Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Jaden K of Dance.Philly - Website Design

Jaden K, a tech-house dj/producer from the collective Dance.Philly, obtained the design and web development services of Sedso to complete his latest website. The design concept plays on the electronic nature of dj culture by utilizing digital-looking fonts and photography that exudes electricity to give the site the appropriate technologic feel.
All backgound imagery for the Jaden K website was created by Sedso Design. The process followed for each background image is as follows: 1) Take long exposure photograph while driving your car through the streets of Philadelphia. The streaks of color are caused by various light sources ranging from traffic lights, street lamps, vehicle brake lights, etc. 2) Intensify composition, color and contrast using Photoshop.
Sedso also created a short promotional documentary video for Dance.Philly.